How To Keep Nonprofits Protected, Preserved, and Positioned for Growth.
By Roz A. Gee for Black Enterprise.
Whether they’re well-known organizations such as the NAACP, National Urban League, National Action Network, and the United Negro College Fund, nonprofits, large or small, are responsible for promoting causes and missions that deliver tremendous impact to our world.
Black Enterprise recently exchanged with attorney Yaida Ford of Ford Law Pros to share some insights on how nonprofits can stay protected and preserved throughout the organization. According to Ford, “nonprofits are extremely cost-sensitive at times but there is a risk to cutting costs on items that will cost the organization in the long run.”
Case in point, Ford recently represented a nonprofit in litigation over a commercial lease that it signed with a landlord. Before officially opening for business, the organization needed a use and occupancy permit from the County. When applying for the permit, the organization’s representative learned from the county’s real estate property clerk that the address contained in the lease was not a legitimate address. The clerk requested that the organization provide blueprints for the property; however, the landlord refused to turn over the blueprints forcing the organization to vacate less than 6 months after moving in.